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发布时间: 2017-04-28 10:43:43   审校:睿智   浏览次数:

英国标准协会(BSI)对BS 8555 环境管理体系——分阶段实施指南进行了修订。该项标准得到进一步更新,与ISO 14001:2015环境管理体系 要求及使用指南 的近期修订保持一致。BS 8555为所有组织实施环境管理体系提供指导,无论企业活动的性质、地理位置或成熟度如何。

BS 8555允许组织采用循序渐进的方式实施和维护环境管理体系,并可以选择在五个阶段中的任何一个阶段停止,从而推动积极的文化变革。逐步实施的方法使标准采用者最终能够达到通过ISO 14001认证的水平。

BS 8555帮助组织遵守监管要求,并向客户、投资者和同行展示他们正在考虑环境影响,同时帮助他们管理资源和情况和变化。


BS 8555使环境管理更符合ISO 14001的要求:该项标准的制定者认识到,自2003年BS 8555出版以来,环境管理活动有所改变,包括确保环境管理流程与业务流程融合、考虑到价值链的因素,性能得到不断改进。

BSI可持续服务市场开发总监David Fatscher表示:

“成功的环境管理体系有助于组织在履行环境责任的前提下保持商业成功。然而,这样的项目有时会显得很艰巨,管理层可能无法提交所需的资源。通过逐步实施BS 8555,所有组织——无论性质或规模如何——都可以提升其环境绩效。”

BS 8555将帮助组织吸引新客户,发展业务,同时降低其发展对环境的影响,减少浪费,节约能源。该标准将帮助企业更具创新性,改进管理体系流程。最终,BS 8555将帮助用户与环境领域的变化保持同步,确保其始终处于领先地位。

Fatscher补充道:“为确保继续帮助组织改善业务流程,节省资金,并应对未来的环境挑战,BS 8555已改版更新。”

参与制定BS 8555的成员包括:来自国际企业管理协会(IEMA)、建筑工业研究与信息协会(CIRIA)、英国皇家认可委员会(UKAS)、英国环境局(the UK Environment Agency)的数名代表以及环境顾问,其中部分人员参与了近期ISO 14001的主要修订工作。


Environmental management systems guide revised, aiding organizations with reducing environmental impact of growth

BSI, the business standards company, has revised BS 8555 Environmental management systems - Phased implementation guide. The standard has been updated to reflect the recent revisions to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems. Requirements with guidance for use. BS 8555 provides guidance for organizations on implementing an environmental management system, irrespective of the nature of the business activity, its location, or level of maturity.

BS 8555 allows organizations to implement and maintain an environmental management system using a step-by-step approach, with the option to stop at any of the five stages, driving positive cultural change. The step-by-step approach enables adopters of the standard to eventually attain a level suitable for ISO 14001 certification.

BS 8555 helps organizations adhere to regulatory requirements and to demonstrate to customers, investors and peers that they are giving consideration to environmental impacts, whilst helping them to manage resources and changes in circumstances.

The phased approach allows an organization to choose the pace of their EMS, decide what phase they want to reach and when, and identify and maximize the areas of potential greatest return on investment. The revised standard was reformatted and the language made clearer so that each phase follows a clear structure.

BS 8555 has brought environmental management up to date in line with the requirements in ISO 14001: It recognizes the changes in the activities of environmental management since publication in 2003, including ensuring that environmental management processes are integrated into business processes, consideration of the chain, and continual performance improvement.

David Fatscher, Head of Market Development for Sustainability and Services at BSI, said: 
“A successful Environmental Management System helps organizations remain commercially successful without compromising their environmental responsibilities. However, such projects can sometimes seem daunting and management may be unable to commit the required resources. By phasing implementation with BS 8555, all organizations - whatever the nature or scale of business - can improve their environmental performance.”

BS 8555 will help organizations attract new clients develop their business whilst reducing the environmental impact of growth, decreasing waste and saving energy. The standard  will help businesses become more innovative, and improve their management system processes. Ultimately, BS 8555 will help users stay abreast of the changes in the environmental arena, ensuring they remain ahead of the curve.

Fatscher adds: “BS 8555 has been updated to ensure that it continues to help organizations improve business processes, save money and deal with future environmental challenges.”

Panel members involved in the development of BS 8555 include representatives from IEMA, CIRIA, UKAS, the UK Environment Agency, and environmental consultants, some of whom took part in the recent major revision of ISO 14001. 



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